Thursday, February 26, 2009

Reelife's new website (beta v1.8) goes "LIVE"

Yes, folks it's true, after 18 hours of mind melding and sweaty eyelids...Reelife's new website is up and active....

Thanks to all of my friends and associates who took the time to give me constructive criticisms...much obliged.  I'm pretty darn happy with it and I hope it allows me to provide Reelife's services to a wider audience.  In today's economy, I like to apply the you-scracth-me, I'll-scratch-you analogy (gosh, what horrible imagery...but I digress).

Well, I hope you all are doing well and thanks for checkin out the new Reelife Blog too.
It'd be great if some people started to subscribe to the rss feed so we could all keep in touch - taking advantage of all of the instant technology that surrounds huh...

well HERE'S where you can see Reelife's new website (let me know what you think if you haven't already):

Ok, over and out for now.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Reelife Productions' new website debuting...soon!

looking forward to the new Reelife website "going live" real soon.  I'll be requesting "constructive criticisms" from associates and friends in the next couple of days and implementing (or not) their suggestions.  this is exciting because, although, I've like the site designed by mr. andy barry over at, I thought it would be best to re-design my own site so I can have direct access to it and update things on a more regular basis (I'm using apple's iweb app). 

so, I'll be getting out the champagne soon and...anyone who wants to join me can help celebrate... anyone...bueller?

warding off the recession monster

i'm working on a new ad campaign that will hopefully drum up business for both Reelife AND my clients. The idea of using video as a promotional tool often gets put on the back burner when times are tough.  Well, I'll be working on communicating this idea of using video-for-the-web and other promotional channels through a specific, targeted postcard campaign using (a great, inexpensive, custom printing service) the next few weeks...while i'm working on bringin' in more work through the door.

ok, back to work...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Reelife's 1st blog entry - yipee

Very excited about (finally) joining the rest of the world and getting this blog thing happening.