one of the best things I've watched in a long time. thank you PBS:)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Seasons Greetings from Reelife Productions
Happy Holidays from everyone at Reelife Productions (ok, well, that'd be me) ...
I wish all my clients and friends and family... everyone.... have a splendid time together during this beautiful season ...
Tom Adams
Bike MS: Cape Cod Getaway 2010, presented by EMD Serono & Pfizer - TV Spot
2010 tv spot • produced by Reelife
Bike MS: Cape Cod Getaway 2010, presented by EMD Serono & Pfizer
I just stumbled onto this video (Produced by Reelife) posted on the National MS Society, Greater New England Chapter youtube channel...thought I'd share... a nice way to look forward to the summer months that will eventually be here! (National MS Society, Central New England Chapter )
The Woodbine Pro 20 -one heck of an awesome firewood processing machine
I don't actually use firewood to heat...but if I did, I sure would love to have this baby at my disposal. I'm oddly transfixed...just watching the video...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Woodbine Rapido Loco Junior
The newest addition to the CRD Metalworks amazing line of Firewood Processors. Reelife is proud to be have been producing these videos for owner Chris & Sales Mgr. Patrick...for almost 5 years now!
Also very happy that CRD Metalworks is doing so well with the sales of these babies. It's a win-win-win!
NIL- (the movie): a journey to the cornfields of your mind
grab your favorite hallucinogenic beverage, set aside a half hour and... you are sure to be amazed...well, at the very least.... confused. Good luck!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Emma Marie Henderson- God Bless America
Wanted to make sure this video was posted here on the Reelife Blog...for longevity's sake. Such a talented young gal. She's currently starring in The Wizard of Oz, playing at UMASS, Amherst.
Weezer • Orpheum 12/15/10 Compilation video
Amazing all of this was shot on my iphone4 (and edited in final cut pro). Such a great time. These guys sure know how to rock!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monte's March • The Movie (Teaser2)
Really having fun editing this baby. gonna be a fun little mini-documentary for folks to watch too ... when I'm finally done editing it...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Damon Reeves & The Love Thieves - Live at The Iron Horse
Love the way this came out. Shot with my new Canon SX30is digital/still/HD camera.
Go Damon Reeves!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
the deconstruction of rocknroll
i love this new trend of releasing & discovering the raw power within the isolated tracks of the best early rock. I think it's clear that we are desperate for that special "something" (aka "soul") that is missing from all of the over-produced-high-tech-perfectionist garbage that is being produced these days.
check out this great blog post that breaks down all the tracks from the Stone's gimme shelter. pure, raw power. Amazing how the internets can spread the power of simplicity and good old fashioned ROCK. Thanks for an awesome post.
check out this great blog post that breaks down all the tracks from the Stone's gimme shelter. pure, raw power. Amazing how the internets can spread the power of simplicity and good old fashioned ROCK. Thanks for an awesome post.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A melancholy song for the holiday season by Emma Marie Henderson - "Crying in the Car"
Emma is a very talented 11 year old from Southampton, MA She has a wonderful energy and talent that just won't quit.
This song was a bit tricky for us because it was quite a departure from her cutesy (but awesome) "I Love My Mom" video and the lighthearted (but great) other stuff ... but I'm really happy with the resulting "feel" of this "crying in the Car:" video. In fact, we're entering it in the upcoming Telly and Webby Awards.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the video...especially because it's a sort of different kind of music video with a young singer/actress and the song itself is "quirky" too. I'd love to hear your constructive criticisms or general comments, etc. Thanks and enjoy.
When it Rains It Pours
I asked my facebook friends if there is a better phrase that sums up the extra flow of work ...something a little more positive...but "when it rains it pours" will have to do for now...
I'd love to just sit here and type and type and type about all the great work that has come my way in the last few week...but alas, I actually need to be working on them right, I'll have to (try to) be brief.
I am honored to have worked with Bob Cilman & the Young at Heart Chorus and the great technical crew that has been with the chorus for almost ten years now. They really are quite a professional team that deserves all the accolades & press they've received (not to mention the documentary that was produced:). I produced two videos that are going to be incorporated into the upcoming trip to New Zealand. Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" (some really touching stuff) and the 90's rap-ish hit "How Bizarre"(some very funny stuff). I wish I was going to New Zealand with them but...not happein, this time around. I look forward to working with Bob and the whole crew again ... sometime down the road.
I'm also working on editing a three camera shoot that I did for the CT River Watershed Council. Some great performers and a wonderful night of folk music.
Also, helping Gary O'Neal sell his "Crestwood" property in Southern NH. It's a beautiful estate that really deserves to be cared for and purchased by the right owner. I'm producing a video that is being marketed to Russian, Korean, Japanese, French & Mexican real estate shoppers. Quite a project with 6 translations - all goin to youtube with subtitles. Looking forward to Gary's Holiday Party coming up mid December.
Here's a list of other current projects:
• Rick's Place promo video
• Monte's March - The Movie
• Damon Reeves - Live at The Iron Horse
Which reminds me, I have to stop typing and get back to work...
stop on by Reelife's facebook page & click on "like" for all the up todate info, etc.
Reelife Productions

Promote Your Page Too
I'd love to just sit here and type and type and type about all the great work that has come my way in the last few week...but alas, I actually need to be working on them right, I'll have to (try to) be brief.
I am honored to have worked with Bob Cilman & the Young at Heart Chorus and the great technical crew that has been with the chorus for almost ten years now. They really are quite a professional team that deserves all the accolades & press they've received (not to mention the documentary that was produced:). I produced two videos that are going to be incorporated into the upcoming trip to New Zealand. Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" (some really touching stuff) and the 90's rap-ish hit "How Bizarre"(some very funny stuff). I wish I was going to New Zealand with them but...not happein, this time around. I look forward to working with Bob and the whole crew again ... sometime down the road.
I'm also working on editing a three camera shoot that I did for the CT River Watershed Council. Some great performers and a wonderful night of folk music.
Also, helping Gary O'Neal sell his "Crestwood" property in Southern NH. It's a beautiful estate that really deserves to be cared for and purchased by the right owner. I'm producing a video that is being marketed to Russian, Korean, Japanese, French & Mexican real estate shoppers. Quite a project with 6 translations - all goin to youtube with subtitles. Looking forward to Gary's Holiday Party coming up mid December.
Here's a list of other current projects:
• Rick's Place promo video
• Monte's March - The Movie
• Damon Reeves - Live at The Iron Horse
Which reminds me, I have to stop typing and get back to work...
stop on by Reelife's facebook page & click on "like" for all the up todate info, etc.
Reelife Productions

Promote Your Page Too
Monday, October 25, 2010
TWENTY song Playlist from the Dave Hayes Zeppelin / Sabbath Tribute Rock Show
It feels so great to be able to share all the great ROCK that went down at "The Elevens" in Northampton, MA (Oct 23, 2010). My buddy Dave Hayes really did a great job in gathering the right cast of rockers to make such a great night of power hooks and heavy jams. So many really talented performers that live right here in the Pioneer Valley. ROCK ON! (videos produced by
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Why Step Out
3 of 3 videos Reelife Produced for Rochester, NY's American Diabetes Association. I'm always proud to be involved in projects that take Reelife's slogan to heart: "Using technology to educate, entertain & enlighten"
2 of 3 videos Reelife Produced for Rochester, NY's American Diabetes Association. I'm always proud to be involved in projects that take Reelife's slogan to heart: "Using technology to educate, entertain & enlighten"
Why Stop Diabetes?
1 of 3 videos Reelife Produced for Rochester, NY's American Diabetes Association. I'm always proud to be involved in projects that take Reelife's slogan to heart: "Using technology to educate, entertain & enlighten"
Many Hands Family Music for Haiti -- Pines Theater, 2010
I love the way this video came out. Summarizes the fun we all had. My kids are both a little older than all the kids that were running around like crazy little bumble bees that day. But it was very nice to be a part of it and see all the families happily joining in with all the great musicians that played... always nice to be reminded of the spirit of the young child. To find out more about Many Hands and the benefit work that is still being done for the people of Haiti, please click HERE
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
my new facebook profile pic
What kind of world are we living in, where I feel the need to make a blog post about my new facebook profile pic?!
Am I a narcissistic freak for having such a burning desire to post something of this nature? Why o why do I feel compelled to fill my time with such wastefulness. I am truly perplexed but what drives me, and the thousands of the rest of you people out there in the digital stratosphere, and yes, especially YOU... to spend the vital seconds of our very lives... connecting in such an unconnected and obtuse fashion.
Oh, I feel as I must stop now, for the guilt of every punch of the keyboard key is a wasted moment... a moment that I could and should be spending working on videos that need editing (for work: riding my mountain bike through the glorious hills of western Massachusetts, or tinkering around the chicken coop or working on the tree fort or countless other more enriching activities.
And yes, I know I am blessed to be living in a work/life situation that allows me such a flexible schedule. It is not that I don't work hard. I work hard and many hours but they are of the untraditional nature. I have not worked a nine-to-five job in over ten years...and dammit, I'm real proud of that & forever grateful that it has worked out so well, for so long. I'm blessed with an awesome wife and awesome kids and awesome pets and all that stuff. Life is good and I've gotta' remind myself that I've worked hard to make it this way.
So, I shall go ... I shall go now... far away from my computer.
Of course, it won't be a long time until I return, again, to this fantastically smooth & comforting keyboard... however, my soul will be filled with the heartiness of the tangible, real, world.
good bye for about three hours :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
yes, it's possible to be a social media "expert"
the following is an excerpt from an email that I recently wrote to an associate ... in regards to her continually asking me to make adjustments and changes to her nonprofit's youtube page. I think it's helpful for others to know that this is a billable service and just like anything else in life...if you happen to know more about the subject matter than someone else and they would like you to do work on it're perfectly in-the-right if you ask them to pay for it ...especially if it's in your line of's the edited content of my email:
"There are many, many things you can do to improve the visibility of a youtube video and improve your youtube channel in general. And there's no question that it is like a maze, trying to figure out the ins and outs of youtube. As a media professional, I would need to charge for my time to continue helping you with this stuff. Please don't misunderstand...I would love to go on and on and help you figure it all out...but all his stuff - the digital world - is indeed my livelihood.
Like I mentioned in my last email, I would be glad to continue as your "social media consultant" as this is one of the new services that Reelife is offering. I understand that you're a non-profit and volunteering is a vital part of the operation, etc. and I mean no disrespect to all the fantastic work you're doing....I'm just not in a position to volunteer more of my time...I hope you understand & would consider hiring me to improve your online presence. I'm really affordable and easy to work with - ask any of my other clients :)
It's such a tangled web-we weave :) Feel free to call to talk more about it if you'd like...
*a recent facebook post at
Reelife is proud to announce the new service of social media coordinator • Your business or organization NEEDS to enter the global sphere of communication and you need to do it NOW! • Let Reelife develop and maintain a comprehensive social online existence ... Because you've got more important things to do ... Like run your business! Email now - operators are standing by...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
New Music Video, official release: Arlington • music video by Dennis Caraher
So, proud to be associated with such a fine recording artist. I hope the work that I do with him will help to propel him even further along in his career...
Derrill's Race video (Easthampton, MA)
Reelife Productions was proud to have been part of such a great event.
Watch the full length video HERE
Watch the full length video HERE
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Transperformance 2010
so many great bands, so much great music...Northampton Rocks!
This is a playlist that contains 23 videos of the performances from a whole bunch of different bands. enjoy!
This is a playlist that contains 23 videos of the performances from a whole bunch of different bands. enjoy!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
summ summ summertime
{Director Travis Heider for The Western NY chapter of The Diabetes Association interviewing subject ~ infomercial being produced by Reelife}
...Lots going on in the Reelife world but much too nice outside for me to spend time typing on this little keyboard thingy. Hopefully, it'll rain soon and then I'll be more motivated to update this here blog. cheers to everyone out there on the internets!
travis heider diabetes
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Derrill's Race, Easthampton Massachusetts - video teaser
Reelife is "reely" proud to have worked with all the fine folks associated with this event. working on the full-edit in the next coming weeks
Friday, April 16, 2010
Very proud of this Reelife production - Mothers Day special!
The fantastically talented Emma Marie Henderson singing the
Dennis Caraher tune "I Love My Mom".
Let's spread the message of love far and wide...
Help us reach our goal of 10,000 youtube views by Mothers Day.
Dennis Caraher tune "I Love My Mom".
Let's spread the message of love far and wide...
Help us reach our goal of 10,000 youtube views by Mothers Day.
Dennis Caraher,
Emma Marie Henderson,
I love my mom,
mothers day,
Thursday, April 8, 2010
NiL- the world's best least known band tape archives available
Finally...the internet gods have smoked their collective peace pipes and allowed the music of NiL to be available online for your listening and purchasing pleasure. Well sort of..NiL Archivist and resident astronomy genius Brenda Bagdovian has prepared two (yes, two) songs and made them available on hopefully this is a sign of much more to come from the NiL archives. To find out more about the musics of NiL click on this word.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Going to See The Hold Steady tonight.
I'd love to produced a video for these guys someday...who knows...
This song happens to be in the top ten of my favorite songs for this milennium
This song happens to be in the top ten of my favorite songs for this milennium
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Beautiful Stringed Sounds of Mando Mucho
Reelife Productions had the pleasure of recording the latest performance of Mando Mucho at the Blue House Cafe in Haydenville, MA.
This is the 2nd show recorded for a benefit CD that is being produced as a collaboration with the Blue House Cafe Music Series. A compilation CD is being produced as a benefit to the Western MA Libraries (who are desperately fighting budget cuts coming from Beacon Hill.)
This is the 2nd show recorded for a benefit CD that is being produced as a collaboration with the Blue House Cafe Music Series. A compilation CD is being produced as a benefit to the Western MA Libraries (who are desperately fighting budget cuts coming from Beacon Hill.)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Couldn't help but post this on the Reelife Blog
One of the cleanest posting I've seen of this footage. Such a great time in Mr. Neil's career:
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
happy st. patty's day from alien james joyce
just havin a little fun here at reelife world hdqrts. originally produced as a halloween hoax but applies perfectly to this fine day...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Reelife Productions to Produce Live Music Series CD
Reelife is teaming up with Blue House Cafe to produce a "Live at the Blue House" CD... starting this friday with acclaimed artist, dancer, musician Tony Silva. The CD will feature live performances from some of the finest musicians that the pioneer valley has to offer. And best of all, the CD is going to be a benefit to help raise money for our Western MA Libraries. But don't wait for the CD to come out....head over to the Blue House Cafe in Haydenville, this Friday at 6:30pm to hear for yourself :) More info to come as this new collaboration progresses...
The Blue House Café in Haydenville, Massachusetts offers fair trade coffee and espresso drinks and homemade vegetarian fare, with local and organic ingredients. Friday evenings feature performances by local musicians.
The Blue House Café in Haydenville, Massachusetts offers fair trade coffee and espresso drinks and homemade vegetarian fare, with local and organic ingredients. Friday evenings feature performances by local musicians.
Monday, March 15, 2010
mr. mojo's rising ...again...
new doors documentary...looks pretty darn good! it's gotta' be better than oliver stone's movie....footage looks nice and rich and actually some new, never-seen-before stuff...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My Cinematic Heros at the Coolidge Corner Theater
Very lucky to have had the opportunity to attend this show...
The video below is little ditty I edited together to summarize a remarkable night at the Coolidge Corner Theater (Brookline, MA, USA) that include Jonathan Demme, Robyn Hitchcock, Declan Quinn, Neil Young... all on the same stage (well, sort of)
all as a tribute to another of my cinematic heros: LA Johnson
Attention NEIL YOUNG TRUNK SHOW ticketholders: bring your video cameras to the screening! Robyn Hitchcock will be performing live before the show, and Jonathan Demme will give the audience a mini-master class on how to shoot a performance film!
This evening highlights Jonathan Demme's gift for directing extraordinary performance films. A generous and creative collaborator, he continues to share his enthusiasm for his favorite artists by bringing us into the performance in an original way.
The video below is little ditty I edited together to summarize a remarkable night at the Coolidge Corner Theater (Brookline, MA, USA) that include Jonathan Demme, Robyn Hitchcock, Declan Quinn, Neil Young... all on the same stage (well, sort of)
all as a tribute to another of my cinematic heros: LA Johnson
Attention NEIL YOUNG TRUNK SHOW ticketholders: bring your video cameras to the screening! Robyn Hitchcock will be performing live before the show, and Jonathan Demme will give the audience a mini-master class on how to shoot a performance film!
This evening highlights Jonathan Demme's gift for directing extraordinary performance films. A generous and creative collaborator, he continues to share his enthusiasm for his favorite artists by bringing us into the performance in an original way.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"Why Not Do What You Love?"
I thought I'd share this blurb about a book written by Martha Johnson, a great elder friend of mine I met while working as community tv studio mgr in South Hadley MA. I'm quoted in her book and used as an example of someone who is doing what they love... and I guess that's true, come to think of it:)
from Hampshire Gazette, 2/24/10
"Why Not Do What You Love?"
Martha Johnson
Pearl Meadow Press, South Hadley
In her introduction, Martha Johnson takes note of the fact that entering her 70th year "has definitely caught my attention." Aware that her time on this earth is finite - a reality, she admits, that eluded her in her youth - Johnson writes that she has become increasingly focused on the question mortality raises: "How then will I live for as long as I am here?"
Written for people of any age, Johnson's book is her own effort to help others answer that question, to guide them through questions and reflections that might help them discover what they truly want to do. She has included anecdotes and stories from people she interviewed, many of whom live in this area.
Johnson will have a reading at the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley on March 16 at 7 p.m.
Tom Adams
Director, Editor, Videographer
from Hampshire Gazette, 2/24/10
"Why Not Do What You Love?"
Martha Johnson
Pearl Meadow Press, South Hadley
In her introduction, Martha Johnson takes note of the fact that entering her 70th year "has definitely caught my attention." Aware that her time on this earth is finite - a reality, she admits, that eluded her in her youth - Johnson writes that she has become increasingly focused on the question mortality raises: "How then will I live for as long as I am here?"
Written for people of any age, Johnson's book is her own effort to help others answer that question, to guide them through questions and reflections that might help them discover what they truly want to do. She has included anecdotes and stories from people she interviewed, many of whom live in this area.
Johnson will have a reading at the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley on March 16 at 7 p.m.
Tom Adams
Director, Editor, Videographer
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Hampshire Gazette's "Blog Spotter" features Reelife Blog. Cool!
nice unprompted promo here... my favorite kind. Thanks to writer- Phoebe Mitchell for a nice little feature blurb on all my digital meanderings and such!
Friday, February 19, 2010
"A Palace in The Gravy- The very best and worst of Neil Young" radio show blog posted
Here's a little radio show that was edited and produced at reelife productions' world headquarters
originally aired on, sponsored by, feb. 14, 2010
posted here for posterity. For hardcore neil fans only :)
posted here for posterity. For hardcore neil fans only :)
Friday, February 12, 2010
A Palace in The Gravy- The very best and worst of Neil Young" Radio Show
Turn It Up til 11 Radio Show featuring:
"A Palace in The Gravy"
2 hours of the BEST and WORST of Neil Young.
guest host: Tom
sponsored by
streaming at
93.9fm in western ma, south vt & northern ct (USA)
Edited & Produced by www.Reelife
facebook event page
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Stanley Lewis- "From The Archaic to the Modern" - Oxbow Lecture Series (teezer)
very interesting and fun-to-listen-to artist that I'm working with in collaboration with the Oxbow Gallery in Northampton, MA.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Reelife's Digital Media Presentation Sample
traditional powerpoint presentations are so LAME! Let Reelife Productions produce your organization's next "digital media presentation". It'll knock the socks off your audience (now that's a funny image ain't it?)
Say goodbye to those el lamo Powerpoint Presentations... Reelife can add a whole lotta' life to YOUR Presentation and has very reasonable rates.
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